

Thank you for your support

We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization (EIN 82-1588958) and rely heavily on donations from individuals and corporations to help provide therapy dog services for First Responders. Please contact your tax adviser regarding your personal tax situation and deductions. We appreciate your generous contribution! Thank you!

Become a member!

Your membership donation goes toward putting additional Therapy K9 Teams in service to support even more
First Responders.

Ways to donate

You may directly donate using the Healing Hounds Donate button, you can mail a check to the address below or you can use choose one of the alternative methods indicated below.



Healing Hounds Inc.

18550 Pleasant Park Road

Conifer, CO 80433


We are now an official member of the PayPal Giving Fund community. You may make a one-time donation or elect to give on a monthly basis!

Donate by selling items with a percentage of proceeds going to our organization, or simply make a donation through the eBay for Charity Program.

If you have a King Soopers or City Market loyalty card you can designate a percentage of your purchases to be donated to us.

It’s easy – here’s how to do it:

  • Click the button above
  • Click “enroll now” to add us as your charity.
  • You can find us by searching for “Healing Hounds, Inc.” or by account number HR865. The page will list how much you have donated every quarter.

When you shop at, Amazon will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to Healing Hounds, Inc. (Your PRIME account will work with this program, so you won’t have added costs to your order.)

It’s easy – here’s how to do it:

  • Go to
  • Choose Healing Hounds, Inc. as your favorite charity and start shopping today!